Accelerating Change

We are always being told that “Change is constant.” Twenty years ago, I personally added to this phrase – “Change is constant; only the velocity varies.” Actually, “velocity varies” implies there is a possibility that the rate of change might slow down. This is not true, it only accelerates. The telephone was invented in 1876, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that 80% of US households had a landline (source); by contrast, tablet computers (like iPads) reached 50% adoption in 5 years. And things are only getting faster.

When it comes to changing or transforming a business and its operations, change itself is a process that has to be tackled and managed in its own right. There is current business-as-usual and future-business-as-usual, but successfully traveling between them requires Change Management. Change Management is a discipline and methodology required to drive an organization into a new model. Introducing new technology frequently brings a new business model or an enhanced set of processes. It is a fiercely difficult task, and several change management methodologies have been developed over the years as companies struggle to be successful in transformation. The reasons for failure in a Change Management program are illuminating:

  • Don’t get the sponsor right.
  • Start on a solution before the underlying problem [that requires the change] is fully understood
  • Don’t spend time systematically analyzing the people and styles that are involved.
  • Jump to a solution to the problem(s)
  • Don’t validate the proposed solutions
  • Don’t plan for certainty
  • Don’t communicate what is happening and why
  • Don’t define measurable outcomes and way-points
  • Don’t put strong governance in place, particularly around dependencies
  • Don’t deal properly with Risk and Contingency
  • Lack of a clear sense of urgency when warning signs are clear
  • Lack of shared commitment and leadership
  • Lack of ability to recognize obstacles to the vision
  • Lack of planning for and creating short-term wins
  • Poor anchoring of changes in the corporation’s culture.

They can be distilled into three core elements: people, discipline, and knowledge.

Change Management is not a “day job”. It is a thing in itself that requires serious commitment and dedication. But in today’s world, it is essential. As Lauren Bacall put it, standing still is the fastest way to move backward in a rapidly changing world.

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Tim Reilly