Safety Tips For Grilling

Trim the fat: Flare ups usually happen because of excess fat, sauces or oily marinades. Trim off some of the fat without sacrificing flavor. Keep the lip open: When searing […]
Please be advised that we are monitoring Tropical Storm Henri as it tracks north along the eastern seaboard of the continental United States and the eastern maritime provinces of Canada. We are […]
Holiday Hours | Independence Day 2021

In honor and celebration of Independence Day, please note our holiday hours: Friday, July 2, 2021 – CLOSED Monday, July 5, 2021 – CLOSED **Please note that you can always […]
How to Protect Your Sewer and Plumbing Systems during COVID 19

As public health officials urge everyone to help stave off the coronavirus by cleaning surfaces with disinfecting wipes, water officials have seen an increase in the number of people flushing wipes, paper towels, and facial tissue down the toilet. With all the excess, plumbing pipes, sewer systems, and wastewater treatment plants are being overwhelmed. It is causing additional problems for homeowners, renters, businesses, other government and private entities, and the environment.
The Hard Market Cycle Change: A Primer On What It Is & What To Do About It

Many factors and variables are driving the change in cycles. They include Available investment capital, investment returns, cash flow, claim losses- especially large CAT events, claim costs, underwriting standards, and most certainly reinsurance cost and availability. When several of these factors begin to align together, they trigger a change in the cycle. Over the past several months, we have started to see the cycle change to a hard market for property and casualty business lines. Every insurance company is having negotiations with their reinsurers and pricing is increasing like many other
product insurances that are subject to supply and demand. The cost is then passed on to the retail consumer, our policyholder.
Online Sales, Sales Taxes during COVID and Beyond

f your small business customers are new to e-sales, they need to know a few things to avoid a sales tax trap. Here are some ways you can help them…
SWUS Quarterly Newsletter | Fall 2020

First, I hope you, your family, and your staff are safe and doing well both physically and mentally. We all have come to realize that managing our personal and business […]
Hurricane season is upon us. Do you have the right coverage?

Hurricane season is upon us. Do you have the right coverage? Hurricane season is in full swing, and 2020 projected to be a very active year. Most of you remember Hurricane Irene in 2011, the storm that devastated many parts of upstate New York. Most home and business owners would have never recovered if not for state or federal aid.
SWUS Quarterly Newsletter | Summer 2020
I hope you are well and safe. The past three months have certainly been unique in our personal and business lives. By the time you read this, the Empire State […]