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How to Avoid Home Insurance Claims

Dec 3, 2020

One of the biggest misconceptions is that market value and replacement cost is the same. They are not the same and are estimated using different criteria & approaches to property valuation.

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Market Value vs. Replacement Cost

Nov 6, 2020

One of the biggest misconceptions is that market value and replacement cost is the same. They are not the same and are estimated using different criteria & approaches to property valuation.

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Why Buy Renters Insurance?

Oct 15, 2020

Your landlord’s property insurance won’t help you if disaster strikes. It covers the structure, but not any of your things. Renters insurance covers your belongings from all the possible bad events listed in the policy, such as fire, smoke, water damage, windstorms, lightning, theft, and vandalism. Even if you don’t think your stuff is worth that much, renters insurance is a good idea. The cost of replacing just a basic wardrobe and only a few pieces of furniture adds up quickly. Plus, renters insurance covers more than your personal belongings at home. Purchase enough insurance to replace all of your belongings, and choose a liability limit high enough to protect any savings and property you could lose if you were sued.

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Hurricane season is upon us. Do you have the right coverage?

Sep 16, 2020
Hurricane season is upon us. Do you have the right coverage?

Hurricane season is upon us. Do you have the right coverage? Hurricane season is in full swing, and 2020 projected to be a very active year. Most of you remember Hurricane Irene in 2011, the storm that devastated many parts of upstate New York. Most home and business owners would have never recovered if not for state or federal aid.

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DFS Approved Rate Changes – Personal Lines

Apr 22, 2020

Our rate changes are for Mid-Hudson Co-Operative Ins Co. (only)for New & Renewal Business effective 5/1/20 : Homeowners & Seasonal HO +3% on base rates only Landlord Packages: +2.5% on Base Rates only Manufactured/Mobile Homeowners: +5% on Base Rates only Moderate rate increases are statewide based on actual loss history results and trends. It is our desire to continue…

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CE Courses Rescheduled

Mar 1, 2020

In response to the current public health threat related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Statewide Underwriting Services has cancelled previously scheduled Continuing-education courses for April & May 2020. New CE Course dates have been added and registration is available below.* DFS extends continuing-education filing deadline New York State Department of Financial Services’ licensing services is implementing temporary emergency procedures…

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Combating weather-related hazards

Dec 5, 2019

WINTER IS UPON US, and with the colder weather comes increased risk of loss. Weather-related emergencies can occur at any time. Proper underwriting and communication to your insureds can help to avoid potentially devastating and often tragic losses. After a few years with no major storms or severe winter temperatures, complacency tends to set in,…

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Protect Your Home from Winter Damage

Jan 8, 2019

Winter storms and cold waves caused $1.2 billion in insured losses in 2017, according to Insurance Information Inc. Frozen pipes, blackouts, and snow or ice build-up can wreak havoc on your home. Prepare for what could happen before disaster strikes, so you don’t have to worry about reacting to it after. FROZEN PIPES Frozen pipes…

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