How to Protect Your Sewer and Plumbing Systems during COVID 19

As public health officials urge everyone to help stave off the coronavirus by cleaning surfaces with disinfecting wipes, water officials have seen an increase in the number of people flushing wipes, paper towels, and facial tissue down the toilet. With all the excess, plumbing pipes, sewer systems, and wastewater treatment plants are being overwhelmed. It is causing additional problems for homeowners, renters, businesses, other government and private entities, and the environment.
The Hard Market Cycle Change: A Primer On What It Is & What To Do About It

Many factors and variables are driving the change in cycles. They include Available investment capital, investment returns, cash flow, claim losses- especially large CAT events, claim costs, underwriting standards, and most certainly reinsurance cost and availability. When several of these factors begin to align together, they trigger a change in the cycle. Over the past several months, we have started to see the cycle change to a hard market for property and casualty business lines. Every insurance company is having negotiations with their reinsurers and pricing is increasing like many other
product insurances that are subject to supply and demand. The cost is then passed on to the retail consumer, our policyholder.
Working from Home: Legal and Insurance Considerations

The historic pandemic of 2020 brought about a significant and abrupt change in how people work and conduct business. Working from home suddenly became the new normal for millions, impacting their insurance and legal exposures. Helping clients understand the implications of working from home, both as an employer and an employee, is another value-added service of the professional insurance agent…
COVID-19 Economic Hardship
Effective: March 30, 2020 To All Policyholders of Mid-Hudson Co-Operative Insurance Company, Claverack Cooperative Insurance Company and Midrox Insurance Company on behalf of Statewide Underwriting Services. The New York State […]
This policyholder notification is being sent at the request of the New York Department of Financial Services to all insureds that have a Businessowners’ policy, Special Multi-Peril policy, Commercial Multi-Peril […]